Vision Therapy – Pediatric


Vision therapy involves a series of sessions and exercises aimed at improving quality and efficiency of vision. This procedure helps improve fixation, pursuits and saccades, eye teaming problems, and focusing problems.

What is it?

Vision therapy is a non-surgical, physical therapy treatment approach for the eyes and brain. It is highly effective in treating lazy eye, crossed eyes, double vision, convergence insufficiency and select reading/learning disabilities. It is supervised by optometric care professionals and often used in conjunction with corrective equipment like glasses and contacts.

What should I do to prepare?

After meeting with an eye doctor, a patient may undergo many different kinds of vision therapy depending on his or her needs and abilities. A comprehensive eye examination will likely indicate an appropriate course of action for anywhere from several weeks to years. Lenses, filters, computer programs, occluders, and other specialized instruments will be used to carry out various therapies and exercises

What happens during the process?

Each patient’s care program may be unique to them. However, it will generally be a progressive program of vision exercises performed under supervision. These sessions will be conducted once or twice a week for up to an hour in an office setting, but may also be supplemented with additional exercises to do at home. Procedures will be tailored to help the patient improve his or her visual skills/abilities, improve visual comfort, and adjust interpretation of visual information.

What are the risks and potential complications?

Because this is not a traditional medical procedure, so much as it is a therapy, there are no health risks associated with vision therapy. However, vision therapy may not be the most appropriate or well-fitting treatment approach for the child. It is important to consult with a physician before enrolling in a vision therapy program.


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