Surgical Treatment for Gynecomastia


Surgical treatment for gynecomastia (swollen male breast tissue) involves removing excess fat and glandular tissue.

What is it?

Gynecomastia is a condition in males where their breast tissue swells. In severe cases the weight of the swelling and excess fat can cause the breast to sag. Surgical treatment will include the removal of fat and glandular tissues, creating a flatter appearance to the chest. In some situations, the areola can be stretched. During surgery, surgeons are able to reform the areola if wanted.

How to prepare?

In preparation for surgery patients and their guardians will need to consult with their surgeon. The plastic surgeon and his medical team will explain the surgery in detail give specific instructions before the surgery. A complete physical exam and lab testing are done prior to surgery. It is important for the patient to not take any aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, or herbal supplements before surgery.

What happens during the process?

The patient will be given either a local or general anesthetic and will be sedated during the procedure. The first step to gynecomastia surgery is removing the fat. A small incision will be made and a hollow tube will be inserted to remove fat. This process is called liposuction. The liposuction will remove the excess fat in the breast. After the liposuction is finished, the surgeon will remove any extra breast tissue and skin using a process called excision. Excision helps reshape a nipple if needed. Gynecomastia surgery’s process will vary with each patient. Therefore, it very important for the patient, the guardian, and the surgeon to be on the same page.

Risk and complications:

* Reaction to anesthetic

* Bleeding

* Infection

* Chronic pain

* Scarring

* Blood clots

* Breast asymmetry

* Breast contour and shape differences

* Change in nipple sensation

* Damage to nerves or blood vessels

* Damage to muscles

* Damage to lungs

* Fat tissue around breast might die


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