Small Bowel and Colon Surgery


Colon surgery refers to procedures involving the small intestine or colon. These procedures have been greatly advanced using laparoscopic technology for resections and excisions. Open surgeries are often still used when cancer becomes too aggressive or large amounts of tissue need to be removed or altered.

What is it?

Small bowel and colon surgery include procedures that are used to treat the small intestine and colon. These procedures may be related to infection, bleeding, ulcers, cancers, and other conditions. These components of the digestive system are treated in a variety of manners, depending on the case.

What should I do to prepare?

If a patient is receiving small bowel and colon surgery, it is important that he or she follows the eating and drinking restrictions set by the doctor to avoid complications with anesthesia. The doctor should be informed on the patient’s medications and relevant medical history so that these factors can be incorporated into an appropriate medical treatment plan. The patient may need to be on a liquid diet just before surgery. Additionally, he or she may need to flush the intestines out using an over-the-counter or prescribed laxative. Patients should arrange transportation accommodations to be driven home after the operation.

What happens during the process?

Anesthesia may be needed for a small bowel or colon surgery. Depending on the procedure, there may either be laparoscopic or open surgical methods used. This method indicates whether several small incisions or one large incision are needed. Tissues may be repaired or removed by the surgeon based on the scenario.

What are the risks and potential complications? 

This procedure involves risks as with any surgical treatment. Specifically, there is the possibility of complications related to anesthesia, infection, bleeding, heart attack, stroke, blood clots in the legs, and breathing problems.


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