Shoulder Replacement Surgery


A shoulder replacement surgery replaces the damaged joint of the shoulder with a synthetic implant. This repairs the damaged shoulder and joint and allows for greater mobility and less pain and weakness for the patient.

What is it?  

A Shoulder Replacement Surgery aims to replace the ball-and-socket type joint of the shoulder, with the ball being the top of the humerus and the socket being within the shoulder blade. An implant replaces the ball of the joint and then the socket is shaved clean and is replaced with another implant. This helps the shoulder have more mobility and can help alleviate pain for the patient after damage.

What should I do to prepare?  

You should consult with your doctor about the best preparation for your individual case. The procedure will require general anesthesia, so it is recommended to refrain from eating or drinking the night prior to surgery and avoid certain medications.

What happens during the process?  

During the surgery, an incision will be made and the ball of the joint in the shoulder, the humerus, will be removed. It will be replaced by an implant that is shaped like a ball that extends out. The socket is then shaved clean and is superseded by an additional implant.

What are the risks and complications?  

The risks associated with a shoulder replacement include allergic reactions to certain medications, bleeding, infection, and pain or inflammation. There also may be risks or blood clots or nerve damage from the procedure.


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