Rotator Cuff surgery aims to repair the muscles and tendons around the shoulder that keep the shoulder in the socket. Damage to the rotator cuff can be caused by overuse and trauma to the affected area.
What is it?
Rotator cuff surgery is surgery to repair the rotator cuff, the group of muscles and tendons that forms a cuff over the shoulder joint. The surgery aims to repair tears and damage to these muscles and tendons and reattach them to the surrounding bone.Overuse of the shoulder often causes rotator cuff damage, and surgical repair is recommended to those who have the tear on their dominant arm or who need to perform at maximum strength in their occupations.
What should I do to prepare?
General anesthesia is typically administered during this procedure, so it is recommended to follow the standard precautions before undergoing a procedure involving general anesthesia. This includes refraining from eating or drinking the night prior to surgery and avoiding certain medications. It is best to avoid strenuous activities that may damage your rotator cuff more and consult your doctor for the best-individualized preparation to follow prior to surgery.
What happens during the process?
Rotator cuff repair surgery typically can be performed one of three ways; open, arthroscopically, and mini-open. Open rotator cuff repairs are done for more complex tears, and the deltoid is moved out of the way in order to fix the muscles and tendons and reattach them to the bone. This requires a large incision. In an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, smaller incisions are made and an arthroscope is inserted into the shoulder to allow for the surgeon to have a clear view of the shoulder through a camera. The repairs are then done through additional small incisions. In a mini-open rotator cuff repair, an arthroscope is used to remove any damaged tissue or bone spurs, and a larger incision is made in order to make any further repairs and reattachments to the bone.
What are the risks and potential complications?
The potential risks associated with a rotator cuff repair include allergic reactions to medications, problems breathing, bleeding, clots, and infection. In addition, risks and complications may include injuries to a tendon, blood vessel, or nerve.
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