

Posturography consists of various techniques that measure the ability to maintain, achieve, or restore a state of balance in an upright position.

What is it?

Posturography is a test to quantify a person’s control over his or her posture and balance. This non-invasive examination may be used to determine if a person’s balance is improving or worsening. It may also be used in common cases such as in physical education and training for sports.

What should I do to prepare?

The patient should dress comfortably in preparation for this test. The patient should also avoid caffeine and alcohol for 48 hours before the test, and refrain from taking medications commonly used to treat dizziness 24 hours before the test.

What happens during the process?

During this test, the patient steps on a plate and wears a safety harness. The patient is then asked to maintain a standing posture, as best as he or she can. Any movements are detected and analyzed by computers.

What are the risks and potential complications?

During this test, patients may lose balance, but they will be wearing a harness that prevents them from falling.


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