Percutaneous Gastrojejunostomy- Pediatric

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Percutaneous gastrojejunostomy is a procedure in which a tube is inserted through the abdominal wall into the stomach, through the duodenum (beginning of the small intestine), and into the jejunum (the middle part of the small intestine).  This feeding tube is needed when a patient is unable to eat orally. 

What is it?

A percutaneous gastrojejunostomy is a procedure that is meant to provide an alternative method of feeding. The surgeon will guide a tube through the abdomen into the stomach and into the jejunum. The placement is guided by images taken by ultrasound.  This procedure will allow for the absorption of nutrients through an alternative method of food intake.

What should I do to prepare?

Individuals should not consume food twenty-four hours prior to the procedure and may need to avoid certain dietary supplements and medications. Individuals should also avoid aspirin two weeks prior to the procedure.

What happens during the process?

Patients will first be put under anesthesia. Then, the surgeon uses a probe to examine the patient’s upper abdomen. Once that is complete, the surgeon inserts a breathing tube up the patient’s nose. Using an X-ray, the surgeon will use a needle to insert a small wire. After the wire is in place, a catheter will be passed along the wire down to the jejunum. The doctor then switches the catheter for the gastrojejunostomy tube.

What are the risks and potential complications?

Risks associated with percutaneous gastrojejunostomy include, but are not limited to, exposure to radiation, infection, and bleeding.


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