Maxillofacial Reconstruction


What is it?

Maxillofacial reconstruction is surgery that occurs around the head, neck, jaw, or mouth region of the body. Usually these surgeries are focused on removing tumors or other obstructions from the mouth.

How to Prepare:

Prior to surgery it is important that the patient talks to their doctor about any allergies they may have. Patients should not eat or drink at least four hours before the surgery. Finally, patients should have someone ready to drive them back from their appointment.

What Happens During the Process?

There are many different injuries or illnesses that can require maxillofacial reconstruction. A patient could have a tumor growing on their jaw or a patient could have facial trauma. Most of the time the problem will dictate the process. Anesthesia will often be used during the surgery.


  • Bleeding or Infection
  • Facial swelling
  • Bruising
  • Nerve injuries
  • Allergic reaction to the anesthesia


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