Laparoscopic Biopsy and Staging


A laparoscopic biopsy is a diagnostic procedure employed to identify cancers or other diseases in the intestines or stomach.

What is it?

Diagnostic laparoscopy is a common, safe way to examine the abdominal organs and tissues. A laparoscopic biopsy can be performed to identify and locate cancer and other diseases within the body and assist a doctor in making a diagnosis. Laparoscopic Staging helps doctors in exploring potential treatment options relevant to the patient’s condition.

What should I do to prepare? 

To prepare for a laparoscopic biopsy, it is important to follow the eating and drinking restrictions set by one’s doctor to avoid complications with anesthesia. A complete medical history will be required, so it is important that the patient communicates current medications and conditions to the physician. Certain medications such as NSAIDS, aspirin, and vitamin supplements should be stopped during the week before surgery, as should smoking. The patient may be placed on a liquid diet before receiving the procedure. Additionally, the patient may need to cleanse the intestines using an over-the-counter or physician-provided laxative. Patients should arrange transportation accommodations since medication during the operation impairs the patient’s ability to drive.

What happens during the process?

During the surgery, the patient is given anesthesia. When the anesthesia effects are felt, the surgeon will then make a small incision in the abdomen. Through this access point, the doctor inserts a laparoscope, which provides an enhanced view of the patient’s internal organs. The duration of this procedure varies based on the patient’s condition and is concluded at the doctor’s discretion.

What are the risks and potential complications?

Laparoscopic biopsy and staging comes with associated risks, that include, but are not limited to:

  • Ascites (accumulation of fluid)
  • Abdominal pain
  • Injury to surrounding organs


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