Endoscopic Ultrasound


An endoscopic ultrasound is a minimally invasive alternative to exploratory surgery in regards to gastrointestinal and lung disease.

What is it

This procedure is used to look for gastrointestinal and lung disease. It uses sound waves to produce images of the digestive tract and other nearby organs.

How to prepare

While preparing for an endoscopic ultrasound, you will need to fast prior to the ultrasound, and possibly take laxatives to clear the rectal area. You may be asked to stop taking certain medications, particularly blood thinners.

What happens during the process

During the procedure, an endoscope will be passed through your mouth to access your digestive tract. An ultrasound takes images, and then the endoscope is removed. Often, you are given medication prior to the procedure in order to relax.

Risks and Complications


Perforation of the throat


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