


Diverticulitis Surgery is a procedure designed to remove a diseased part of the colon, needed for repeated or severe attacks of Diverticulitis.

What is it?

Diverticulitis surgery is a surgery that removes a diseased part of the large intestine if a patient has repeated attacks of diverticulitis, a high risk of repeated attacks, or an abnormal opening between the colon and an adjacent organ. Surgery may also be necessary due to complications such as an infected diverticulum that has ruptured in the abdomen, infection in the abdomen, blocked colon, infection in blood, or bleeding.

How to prepare?

Before the procedure, the patient may need to have certain tests including a blood test, chest x-ray, and an electrocardiogram. Additionally, the patient should tell their surgeon the medications they are taking and any preexisting medical conditions they have. The surgeon and his medical team will give specific instructions to the patient and explain the procedure in detail. The patient should have a clear liquid diet the day before surgery and should have nothing the night before surgery. Smoking should also be stopped before surgery occurs.

What happens during the process?

The day of surgery the patient will arrive, have the incision site shaved, and have an IV administered. The patient will be given anesthesia before the procedure to relax and fall asleep before the procedure. The surgeon will use either open surgery with a large incision to access the colon or laparoscopic surgery to access the colon through small incisions. The surgeon removes the diseased part of the intestine and reconnects the healthy part to allow normal bowel movement.

Risks and Complications

Possible risks and complications for this procedure include:

* Bleeding

* Coughing and shortness of breath

* Drainage from incision

* Fever

* Increasing, chronic pain

* Jaundice or skin color changes

* Nausea and vomiting

* Redness

* Swelling and calf pain

* Change in mental status

* Severe bleeding

* Chest pain

* Persistent vomiting


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