

A colonoscopy is a non-surgical procedure to examine the colon for any abnormalities.

What is it

A colonoscopy consists of inserting a small tube with a camera on it into the colon. A colonoscopy is done to look for abnormal growths or inflammation in the colon. During a colonoscopy, tissues or growths may be removed.

How to prepare

To prepare for a colonoscopy, you will need to clear your colon. No solid food can be eaten for at least a day before the procedure, and clear liquid diet needs to be followed. You may need to take a laxative to help clear the colon. An enema kit may also be used to clear the colon.

What happens during the process

During a colonoscopy, you are likely either sedated or given pain medication. A long scope is inserted through your rectum to take images of the colon. The scope also functions to expand the colon by pumping air into the colon, which allows better imaging. The experience may be uncomfortable, and can take up to an hour.

Risks and Complications

Bleeding is a possibility, as well as tearing of the colon.


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