Chemical Peel

Chemical peel is a procedure that uses a chemical solution on the top layer of patient’s skin, which enables the patient to remove wrinkles and scars, while also promoting smooth skin.

What is it?

Chemical peel is a non-operative procedure intended to improve skin appearance on the face, neck, or hands. The procedure requires the application of a chemical solution that exfoliates the skin and cause the top layer to peel off. The skin beneath is generally much smoother and clearer than the layer that peels off. This procedure is for those with conditions like acne scars, wrinkles, crow’s feet, scars, sun damaged skin, sagging skin, and other skin conditions.

What should I do to prepare?

Patients need to communicate with their doctor and explain the expectations they have for the chemical peel. It helps to take a physical examination before choosing to have a chemical peel. If the patient chooses to pursue a chemical peel, he or she needs to use assorted creams and medications selected by the doctor. They should also avoid any cosmetic or hair removal treatments weeks before the chemical peel.

What happens during the process?

The process of chemical peel is fairly simple. The doctor will apply a chemical solution to the treatment region. The solution may be alpha hydroxy acid, trichloroacetic acid, or phenol. The skin will blister and peel, revealing a smoother, less wrinkled layer of skin.

What are the risks and potential complications?

There are a few possible risks and complications associated with a chemical peel procedure. These include a temporary or permanent change in skin color, scarring, and reactivation of cold sores. The treated skin region will also be more sensitive to the sun for a period after receiving the procedure.


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