Baby Delivery

When a baby is delivered, doctors and patients are usually able to communicate effectively to facilitate a safe, low-risk procedure.  However, even with today’s technology, complications may still arise that can put the mother and child at risk.

What is it?

Following a successful pregnancy, a woman will undergo childbirth, delivering one or more children from her womb.  This process can take the form of natural childbirth through the vagina or via Caesarean section (C-section).  A Caesarean section is performed when a vaginal delivery may put the mother or child at risk.  A C-section involves making an incision in the lower abdomen followed by another incision in the uterus.  Following this, the child is delivered and the tissues are stitched back together.

How to Prepare

It is recommended that expecting mothers attend a childbirth course to help prepare for the baby.  Expecting mothers are also encouraged to take extra care to relax and focus on themselves during the months leading up to childbirth.  For the trip to the hospital, patients should plan out ahead of time who will travel with them and be present for the birth.  An overnight bag is also helpful since the patient may be at the hospital for several days.  Make preparations at home for the arrival of a new baby after the patient’s return from the hospital.

What happens during the process?

Depending on the patient’s conditions, the doctor may suggest a vaginal delivery or proceed directly to a C-section.  With a vaginal delivery, the cervix will dilate and the mother will push the baby out of her vagina.  After this, she will deliver the placenta.  If a C-section is performed, the doctor will cut a large incision in the abdomen and again in the uterus.  After removing the child and placenta from the uterus, the abdomen is stitched up.  It is common for women to receive different pain medications during both procedures.

Risks and Complications

  • Premature delivery
  • Prolonged labor
  • Abnormal presentation
  • Problems with the umbilical cord or placenta
  • Preeclampsia
  • Excessive bleeding (esp. uterine)


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