Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair



An Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair is a surgical procedure used to fix tears and openings in the abdominal wall through an open or laparoscopic method.

What is it?

An Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair is a process by which surgery is used to fix tears or bulges in the abdominal wall caused by a hernia likely from a previous incision. The surgical process can be performed openly or laparoscopically, which is less invasive and may result in a shorter recovery time.

How to prepare?

Before the surgery, the patient needs to have some tests done including blood work, medical evaluation, chest x-ray, and an EKG. The patient should follow instructions given by his/her surgeon and his medical team. The patient should not eat nor drink anything after midnight the night before the surgery. Medications like blood thinners, anti-inflammatories, and Vitamin E should be stopped temporarily for several days or weeks prior to surgery. Sometimes, the patient will be requested or required to quit smoking prior to surgery.

What happens during the process?

Surgery may be performed the traditional way through an incision in the abdominal wall and likely using a mesh screen in the abdominal wall for a better closure. General anesthesia is often used for this type of procedure, but in some cases, local or spinal anesthesia can be used. Alternately, a laparoscopic procedure can be used to view the hernia on a small camera. Gas is used to inflate the abdomen to easily see the internal organs.   Several small incisions will be made and the procedure performed under general anesthesia.

Possible risks of this procedure include:

* Adverse reaction to anesthesia

* Bleeding

* Injury to intestines or abdominal organs

* Pneumonia

* Blood clots

* Heart problems


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